…saddle with the responsibility of preaching and emphasizing the message of discipleship. 

Destiny Impact Fellowship is involved in a range of different children, teens, youth, church and school initiatives:

Discipleship Classes

We run practical discipleship classes in primary and secondary schools as well as designated centres in communities on a weekly basis. Our work with the schools involve delivering lessons, Bible quiz, film shows, mission trips, skill acquisition training/seminar, mentoring and practical discipleship. While in the communities we run clubs (cells) in homes and some spots where young people gather together to relax.

Partnership With Ministries

We work to partner and support ministries and local churches by organising and offering basic teaching and training on discipleship, provide discipleship class manual, organise skills acquisition seminars, show excellent Christian based movies (film) to church groups and lots more as the need might be at no cost, God helping us. This does not anyway make us affiliated to any of this churches or ministry but rather channels only coming basically to assist.

Great Commission

As a way of fulfilling the great commission, we are involve in organising a 2-day rural evangelical outreach annually which we use mediums such as free medical services, film shows, give free clothing’s and food, e.t.c as platforms to minister Christ to them.


We also collaborate with individuals who felt they have a burden to organise an outreach in a particular neighborhood, community or village.
Why Us?
We are a team of young Christians who have seen the need and desire to stand right in the mist of challenging times and sinful way of life. The importance of gathering  physically, connecting through social media, publications and the like to share testing and overcoming experiences in work place, business arena, political sphere so as to strengthen ourselves in living pure lives and making Christ evident in our everyday life.
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