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Welcome To Destiny Impact Fellowship

Destiny Impact Fellowship is a part of the body of Christ that is saddle with the responsibility of preaching and emphasizing the message of discipleship in schools, churches, communities and neighbouring villages. We are a Spirit-empowered, united and witnessing fellowship comprising of both young people, church leaders and committed church members from different church denominations working together and reaching out to children, teenagers in secondary schools and young people in the street with the gospel in a way that is captivating the lost and turning hardened heart back to God so that they can experience the unconditional, unfailing love and unending hope that can only be found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

We are engaging, embracing, educating, encouraging, empowering and enabling children, teenagers and young people to be transformed persons and live the kingdom life in their communities and local churches.

VISION: We are saddle with the responsibility of preaching and emphasizing the message of discipleship.

MISSION: We are engaging, embracing, educating, encouraging, empowering and enabling children, teenagers and young people to be transformed persons and live the kingdom life in their communities and local churches.

MOTTO: Reconciling men back to God …

What We Believe

  • We believe that the body of Christ is one and is stronger together Eph 4:3-6,11-16
  • We believe all believers in Christ are commission by Jesus to become His disciples and to go out and make other disciples. We believe in replicating the graces of God upon our lives; and experiences into available men as a way of passing good legacy from person to person (II Tim 2:2)
  • We believe that one of the fundamental secret of church growth and new believers becoming rooted, established in the faith and becoming more effective in maximizing their potential is through the method of discipleship.
  • We believe we are a people called to bear the very likeness of Christ in our life together and reflect His character in the world.
  • We believe that God is teaching us and has invested so much in us that we can’t afford to be silent or stand akimbo while the world is perishing around us.
  • We believe God has strategically positioned us in different communities and churches for the sole purpose of practical discipleship. In Destiny Impact Fellowship we talk discipleship, teach discipleship, do discipleship and emphasize the message of discipleship to any one God will commit into our hands or bring across our path.
  • We also believe In living life on purpose. We live with legacy in view. We are resonate about preparing the next generation. We see potentials and possibilities in the next generation.
Meet The Team